

We Are Ethos.

We believe movement is medicine.

We are a safe place.

We are here when you are ready to live better, love yourself more, feel, and heal.

We challenge. We listen. We counsel. We practice alongside you and walk the path we teach.

We don't judge. We do care.


Slow Burn

Combining vinyasa flow with the guided long-held postures of slow flow. Build heat and warm up with some self-guided movement which will lead to steady breath-focused postures. You can expect to be challenged, sweat, and build endurance. This is a great class to begin exploring some balancing postures, twists, and transitions that are found in vinyasa. Slow burn is truly the perfect segway between the two classes.

Slow Flow

Meet your edge through the building of breath and length of time in postures. Slow-moving and heavily guided, this practice will allow you to gain strength in the body and find equanimity in the mind. You will move through breath-based dynamic warmups, leading into long-held standing and restorative postures. This class is perfect for beginners and those looking to softly but boldly build endurance and strength.


Synchronization of breath and movement, this fast pace high-energy class will have you feeling like you are dancing. Foundation in ashtanga yoga, vinyasa is a variation of sun salutations. The teacher will build sequences of postures, then give you time and space to flow through them on your own. Postures will vary from supported, standing, balancing, inverting, and restoring. This is a creative class that is best met with an attitude of exploration and curiosity. Recommended experience 2-5 yoga classes, however, our teachers are supportive, and modifications are always available.


Ashtanga is a traditional practice rooted in the expansion of body and mind both on and off the mat. The sequence is the same or similar every time, incorporating different postures from the primary series as time allows. This repetition of sequence allows for the cultivation of moving meditation, think less feel more. It is a rigorous breath-based class, expect to sweat, build stamina, and most importantly equanimity of mind. Beginning with sun salutations ashtanga will move you through standing, balancing, twisting, folding, and inverting. This class is great for beginners and seasoned yogis alike.

Candlelight Blend

Combining slow flow and yin. This class is centered around building steady heat to decompress and give you a great night’s sleep.


This class helps to boost mobility and flexibility through long-held postures on the ground. Targeted to strengthen connective tissue and restore stressed or overexerted fascia. It is a quiet and meditative practice in which we may move through only a few postures in an hour. This class suits everyone and is a great addition to a regular vinyasa or slow flow practice.